Benefits of UPVC Casement Doors
This is one of the top benefits of a uPVC casement door. Doors frames made from this material have great sealing capabilities and thus, increase thermal comfort. During the summer season, uPVC casement doors do not let hot air seep inside, keeping your internal temperatures low. In the winter season, these doors do not allow for warm air to leak outside and keep your internal temperatures optimal. This quality of uPVC casement doors reduces the strain on your heating and cooling devices and optimizes your energy bills.
uPVC casement doors barely attract dirt or grime and require minimal cleaning. You can clean these doors with the help of a clean damp cloth and some soapy water or mild detergent solution once every six months. If your home is on a particularly dusty street, clean your casement doors every month. Do not clean these frames with a metallic brush or a ball of steel wool as that may hamper the colour and finish of the frame.
Rust and Weather-Resistant
uPVC is 100% anti-corrosive, resistant to termites and also harsh weather conditions. This is especially helpful if you live in too cold or hot or humid conditions. Unlike other materials, uPVC casement doors maintain their sheen for years on end. During the rainy season, they keep the water out completely because the make of these doors provides a tight seal.
Aesthetically Appealing
uPVC casement doors look modern and are available in various colours and finishes. These doors also provide great design flexibility and can be fabricated into any shape and thickness that suits your home’s décor. If the interior of your home has a vintage feel, whereas the exteriors are modern and of a starkly different colour tone, you can get uPVC casement door frames painted in two different colours.
Acoustic Insulation
We have already established how uPVC casement doors prevent leakage of cool or warm air, enhancing the thermal comfort of your home. When they reduce the leakage of air, they also decrease the absorption of sound. This is especially useful if you live on a noisy street bustling with traffic. Couple uPVC frames with AIS Acousticglas and make your home a more peaceful and tranquil place.
Excellent Ventilation
These doors provide amazing ventilation when opened. UPVC casement double doors can open up an entire wall and allow you to soak in the beautiful vista and breeze hassle-free. These doors can be swung open to almost 180 degrees for unobstructed views. If you are lucky enough to have a home with panoramic views, install uPVC casement doors and make full use of the beautiful locale.